Friday, March 25, 2005

The Last Hours of Terri Schiavo

As the cloak of death slowly covers her eyes, I'm saddened by the great anguish this has caused so many people. I'm more angered by the nuts on both sides who have used this tragedy as a club to bang the pulpit. For the shallow of mind, this is about those stupid "Bushies" or it's another sign that the second coming is descending in the next lightning bolt. As to the former point, an aside: Isn't it amazing how for some people just barely above Terri Schiavo's cognitive level that every problem can be summarized as "those evil bushies" or "dubya".

The center is once again drown out by the extremes, the religious right and fanatical left, both mirror images of each other. Think I'm kidding? The only difference between some of the anti-war protestors and the self-righteous religious nuts are the signs they carry.

There's been much rational discourse on the subject behind the cacophony of cant. Jonah Goldberg had a great article today. Hopefully, congress will do more than come up with a one-time one-person piece of legislation and sit down to create a process to deal with this. Terri should have had a full battery of tests, such as a PET scan. A panel of doctors, not Judges, should have reviewed this case and given their prognosis. At the time of your marriage, you should tell the government right then and there who will be responsible for your assets and health care decisions.

I'm laughing. I know that because of the simple-minded animosity from both sides that any attempt to fix anything will be construed as an attack. The left will fight a panel of doctors idea because it trumps their bastion of power, the courts. The right will fear any civil union contracts creeping into marriage lest gays start marrying willy-nilly.

Rest In Peace, Terri. The rest of us have to go on listening to the nonsense.

Reason.Com Article for extra reading.


At 6:04 PM, Blogger PBS said...

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At 6:07 PM, Blogger PBS said...

i think that the most interesting question we can ask now is:

who is goign to last longer terri schiavo......or the pope? could be a tough call.


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